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Task 1:  Initial Business Plan

This is your first formal report on your business.  The reader will be looking for a great idea, which is realistic.  Please use the Word file to set out your work.

This unit will consist of SIX tasks.  Some tasks give you the opportunity to achieve a distinction.  you will be guided to which ones.

Unit 1

P4: Prepare a realistic initial plan for a business idea suitable for the local area.


M4: Explain how the initial plan for a business idea has the potential to respond to market needs. 

D2: Justify how the initial plan for a business idea has potential for success in relation to existing local businesses. 

You will produce ONE document:
  • Word report which is detailed and will include research and images to support your plan.  This will cover the Pass, Merit and Distinction.

Task 2: The Business Environment

P1: Outline how the business environment can impact on a start-up business.
M1: Explain how changes in the current business environment are likely to impact on a start-up business.
You will produce TWO documents:
  • PowerPoint presentation for the Pass
  • Word Document for the Merit

Task 3: Successful Businesses

P3 Describe, using relevant examples, the features of successful businesses.

M3: Compare the features, strengths and weaknesses of two successful businesses.

Task 4:

P2 Explain how current trends will impact on a start-up business.


M2: Compare how two trends have impacted on a start-up business. *

D1: Assess the current risks, opportunities and trends in the business environment for a startup business.

Task 5: Choice of Business Format

P5 Explain the reasons for the choice of format selected for a business start-up.


P6: Present a realistic business model for a business start-up.


M5: Present a realistic business model for a business, explaining how the format and business model will enable it to carry out its activities successfully. 

D3: Present a realistic business model for a business, explaining how the format and supporting evidence justifies the initial business idea. 

Task 6: Business Model

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